Artists will have an opportunity to explore a wide range of materials during the session.
Toddlers 18 month-2.9 yrs will be greeted with many opportunities to "dump and pour." Painting, water, sensory tables, building, clay, dough, manipulatives, light play, collage, and various "loose parts."
Preschool ART EXPLORATION 2.9-5yrs ARTIST'S WILL BE GREETED BY A VARIETY OF PROVOCATIONS SET UP AROUND THE STUDIO. Provocations inspire, curiousity, questions, and creativity. Each week one of the Provocations will be a different famous artist, representing their works, mini-bio, and their favorite mediums, and Teachers will demonstrate how to use the different mediums and tools. We have varied skill levels and will approach activities with their varied interest. We set up our Art studio so that SCIENCE AND ARCHITECTURE COLLIDE WITH ART. We know that there is not a chance in the world that all of our artists will want to engage in the same activity at the same time. They are all uniquely different. During the session they will work with: Painting, clay, drawing, water play, woodworking, construction, scissors, shadows, light explorations, TINKER TABLE, magnets, bones, plants, cooking, potions, GAK, and sewing.
Preschool aged children use variety materials and build on their skill, revisit extend activities, make choices, ask questions, work independently and collaborate. Artists that have been in the program know where materials "live" in the studio space and are comfortable about trying new things and extending their activities with familiar supplies and new and unique "loose parts" that have been re-salvaged or brought in from nature.
5.5-8 yrs) Artist's will be greeted by a variety of PROVOCATIONS SET UP AROUND THE STUDIO. Provocations inspire curiousity, questions, and creativity. Each week one of the Provocations will be a different famous artist, representing their works, mini-bio and their favorite mediums, and Teacher's will demonstrate how to use materials and tools. Creating pictures, sculptures, and collage their represent their thought and feelings. They are learning how to how a "brush" and manipulate clay. They gaining perspective about their drawings and how to make a standing person transition to a sitting position. They are more involved with our TINKER STATION. Taking apart old appliances and gaining ideas of how they work. Combining small motors with unique objects to create movement. Intrinsic learning can happen when artist's are curious and interested. When the presentation is is "calling to artist's" to come and check this out. Everything else unfolds.