1. What are the limitations on group sizes and who is included as a part of the group size?

Following the guidance from the CDC, we must limit group size to no more than 12 children.


2. What measures need to be taken to protect the health and safety of children and staff? 

We have measures in place to maintain separation between groups to help limit the spread of COVID-19. Such measures would include maintaining consistent small groups of children, keeping groups in separate spaces while in attendance, having no more than 12 children together at one time, preventing groups of children from coming in contact with other groups of children, enhanced cleaning, and staffing patterns that minimize movement of staff between groups of children throughout the day.


3. What health and safety procedures are you required to follow during COVID-19?

Enhanced screening and sanitizing procedures are required for all classes.


4. What supplies are you using to implement the health screening and intensified cleaning and disinfection protocols?

We will be using EPA-approved disinfectant for SARS-CoV-2, also the wearing of protective clothing for staff and children.


PPE (masks and gloves) are available


Cleaning supplies and thermometers are available.


5. Who is required to wear masks at class?

As per the most recent CDC guidelines, all teachers and students are required to wear masks while class is indoors.
However, they may choose to not wear a mask when outdoors at the park.

6. What are the social distancing guidelines for classes? 

Per the use CDC and Department of Public health directive guidelines for social distancing, children will be given 144 square feet (12’x12’) per child, or a minimum 1750 square feet for a group of 10 or 12. We are fortunate to provide more than that!

The designated areas for each group are clearly marked, and separated by a 10- 12 feet “no-go” buffer zone that neither group uses; 

The space will be adequately ventilated and we have added additional air purifiers. 

7. What if there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 among the children, staff, or families?

If a child or staff member who has been present in the program is diagnosed with COVID-19, the school must notify families and staff of the program about the exposure.

We will be required to report cases of COVID-19 infection immediately to the SF Health department.

8. How will you organize lunches?

You will provide labeled lunches for your child and we will keep children in their socially distanced square. The requirement for no more than 12 children in one space and social distancing also applies when children are dining.

9. What about transportation?

At this time, the current guidance regarding group sizes, mixing of groups of children, wearing of masks, and social distancing would also apply when children are being transported in the van. Enhanced cleaning procedures would also be required between groups if multiple groups of students are being transported using the same vehicle.